Sport Fans: the Psychology and Social Impact of Fandom, by Dr. Dan Wann of Murray State Department of Psychology,  has been selected for inclusion in the Olympic World Library. “It’s really a unique honor to have our book included in the Olympic World Library,”  Wann said.

The Olympic World Library is an library catalogue, information portal and search engine for Olympic knowledge at the Olympic Studies Center.  Through the Olympic World Library, readers can access official Olympic publications and books and articles by academics and professionals.


Sports Fans examines the affective, cognitive, and behavioral reactions of fans to sports.    The book explores a number of topics including the process of becoming a sports fan, how fandom can provide a sense of belonging, personality characteristics of sports fans, and aggression by sports fans.

“Hopefully, individuals will be able to utilize the text as a resource for their work and the book will assist them in understanding the psychology of fandom, including fans of the Olympic Games,” said Wann.

Dr. Dan Wann is the leading scholar on sports fandom.  He has published four books and numerous journal articles, and given countless presentations on sports fandom.  Wan teaches classes in the Department of Psychology at Murray State, including a course on sports fandom.


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