Student Name: Annie Davis

Year in school: Graduate Student

Major/Area: History

Hometown: Jeffersonville, IN (across the river from Louisville, KY)

Fun fact about yourself: I am an avid concert-goer and love live music!

What drew you to Murray State?

I was drawn to Murray State because I knew I wanted to go to school in Kentucky, but didn’t want to go somewhere that felt too large or too small. My mom mentioned that she was a Murray State alum, so I added it to my list, and after visiting and speaking with Murray State students I thought it felt like the perfect fit.

Why did you choose to study History?

I did not originally begin my undergraduate degree as a History major, but found my way to the department before my sophomore year. I realized I was interested in public history while working at the Kentucky Derby Museum at home, and after speaking with Dr. Callahan about changing my major, I felt that it was the perfect choice. I also added a Fine Arts Photography minor because I love film photography and thought the experience could apply well to future careers in the field. I love the History department and each of the professors as they have been wonderful in my development as a historian and as a person, providing me with useful skills to be successful in life. Once I found out our department had an accelerated Master’s program, I knew it was something I wanted to pursue, and I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to continue my education in the department alongside my friends.

What’s an academic accomplishment that you’re proud of?

One project that I have enjoyed and am proud of is my Graduate Thesis. I wrote about Walt Disney World’s EPCOT Center in comparison to some of the U.S. World’s Fairs that have occurred over time, bringing together two separate things that I find very interesting together. I enjoyed the process of writing it and working with Dr. Lindner, who advised my project, to bring all of my thoughts into a paper that I truly enjoyed researching and writing.

What’s one of your favorite non-academic aspects of campus life?

One of my favorite events at Murray State is Almost Midnight Breakfast. It is a fun night of free food, activities, and a nice moment to stop thinking about exams or papers with friends as finals week begins. I convinced all of my friends to join me once, and it has been tradition to attend ever since. I won the limbo competition in 2019, and it is one of my proudest moments as a Murray State student.

I also love Murray State basketball, and highly recommend attending at least one game while here. I attended every home game of the ‘21-’22 season (Go Racers!).

What are your plans for after graduation?

After graduation I hope to find a job that I enjoy. Whether that be in the archives of a museum doing curatorial work, a national park doing public history, a public radio station (thanks to the influence of WKMS on my time here!), or somewhere else, I know my experiences at Murray State have prepared me for wherever I may end up. 

What advice would you give incoming freshmen at Murray State?

You don’t have to have everything figured out when you step onto campus, and it is okay to change your original plans if you don’t feel that they are what you will enjoy long-term. I would also advise them to attend events on campus, no matter what they are, as they are great ways to meet new people, have fun, and they might become some of your favorite memories!

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