Student Name: Jacob Lemon

Year in school: Senior

Major/Area: Double majoring in Political Science and Sociology 

Hometown: Golconda, IL

What drew you to Murray State?

Honestly, the campus and the professors. I visited other campuses and they did not have the kind of instructors Murray State has nor are they as safe as our campus! 

Why did you choose your major and minor? 

I have always had a passion for my community and helping others and I feel like I can accomplish that through the degrees I’m seeking. 

What’s one class or project or experience in your major that you’ve particularly enjoyed or that you’re proud of? 

My favorite class experience was when we debated in Dr. Siebs Legislative processes class. It was a really enjoyable time as we debated various topics related to the class.

What’s one of your favorite aspects of campus life that isn’t class-related?

My favorite thing I did on campus was honestly All Campus Sing. That was really fun to participate in and I hope to do it again the following semester. 

What are your plans for after graduation?

I really want to get a career in relation to mental health and help many individuals. I am community minded and this area will be a major help to whatever community I am a part of. 

What advice would you give incoming freshmen at Murray State?

My advice would be, get involved on campus! Your time in college will fly by and enjoy some of the best years of your life. 

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